
Who knew? Sand Dams Can Save Water in Arid Lands!

Who knew? Sand Dams Can Save Water in Arid Lands!

Fresh potable water for drinking and irrigation are going to be one of the 21st century’s great challenges. This sounds counterintuitive, but, hey! That’s why we need to be open to new ideas! check this out:

Sand dam technology may date to Roman times. But it has been perfected in the 21st century by a combination of talent including a British NGO called Excellent Development, a Kenyan farmer named Joshua Mukusya, and Mennonites from North America.

Read about sand dams.


Bring your parents to the job interview? WHAT!??!

Bring your parents to the job interview? WHAT!??!

Holy cow! This is going too far!

According to a 2012 survey of more than 500 college graduates, 8 percent said they had a parent go with them to a job interview. And 3 percent had Mom or Dad sit in on the actual interview, according to Adecco, a human resources firm, which conducted the study.

“It seems nutty,” John Challenger, CEO of the human resources consulting firm Challenger, Gray & Christmas, in Chicago, tells me. “It would cause most employers to downgrade the candidacy of someone. They’re looking for someone who’s able to act on their own, independently. Bringing your parents to an interview is absurd.”

If the millennials can’t stand on their own two feet at home, how will they compete in the global economy?


We need to use the write stuff

We need to use the write stuff

Many of my students don’t like to sketch because they feel they aren’t good at it. I tell them, this isn’t an art class, it’s a class in learning to solve problems using a structured process and to communicate the results using a technical vocabulary and tool kit (e.g., computer software like Autodesk Inventor and Microsoft Excel). Sketching, like writing by hand, engages the mind integrate vision with the tactile expression of ideas via words, or in class, via sketches: it’s all about communicating what’s in our head so others can understand.

I found this article by a local business writer about writing by hand in this age of ubiquitous digital technology to reinforce my instructional philosophy. The author cites some research that also supports this belief.

(A)n MRI brain scan showed subjects in the handwriting group had activated their brain’s visual and motor systems, as well as their brain’s emotional centers. Chen not only called writing by hand a creative activity, but a visual-spacial process, which could explain why we remember written appointments better than those typed into a smartphone.

There’s also this from the “Reviving the Lost Art of Manliness

By scanning the brain, researchers have found that writing by hand improves memory, cognitive activity, and the expression of ideas.

Write on!

Do STEM jobs require a college degree? (Is college for everyone?)


When I hear messaging (on the news, the school PA) that imply/assume that everyone should go to college I cringe. The implication of this messaging is that everyone should attend a 4 year college or university because 4 year college graduates earn more over a lifetime than those without the degree. While this may be true for some, it is also true that many are graduating carrying a lot of debt (average about $27,000) and many cannot find gainful let alone meaningful employment in their field of study.

I can’t find the precise source of the assertions but two local K-12 educational  leaders I have heard speak have cited statistics that affirm that not all jobs require a 4 year college degree.  One said only about 25-30% of all jobs require a 4 year degree. More recently I heard one administrator state that nearly half (46%) of all new STEM* jobs in our state would require high school graduation and up to an AA degree. Yet the messaging persists. Meanwhile almost 1 in 4 of our high school students do not complete high school graduation requirements. I am sure there are MANY factors that contribute to this. And among these factors I wonder to what extent the DNA principle affects the dropout rate: DNA = as in “this Does Not Apply to me because if high school is to prepare me for college as I hear all the time and I know I can’t afford/don’t plan on going to college/etc. then high school isn’t that important for me.”

Between August 1991 and May 1993 I managed the hiring process during which time we hired more than 2,000 production workers, technicians, engineers, supervisors, marketing and finance staff plus another 1,000 temporary workers to design, build and market Hewlett Packard’s consumer inkjet color printer line. More than half the total were hired for jobs requiring an AA degree or less; we even did not require a high school diploma for our assembly line jobs. The most difficult-to-fill positions were those requiring an technical AA degree or equivalent experience to support the automated manufacturing operations we were building. Over time we had to develop our own in-house technician training program in collaboration with our local community college.  I even represented HP on some local workforce development committees since we were then the largest private employers in SW WA. All the employers on these committees did not believe the local K-12 system was producing the caliber of entry level not to mention the more technically skilled workers we needed. We wanted the schools to replace the diploma with a portfolio of accomplishment. Many of us employers believed grade inflation and social passing were promoting too many unqualified and unknowing they were not qualified applicants. We wanted to help the schools produce the workers we needed. Over time several partnerships have developed but the “everyone goes to college” message continues to be promoted, now inflamed with “everyone needs to take AP courses.”  Yet, this emphasis is still not producing the skills local businesses need top grow the economy.

ASIDE: students, ask those you know if the job they are doing now is related to the college degree (whether they finished college or not is another matter) they pursued, if they went to college. 



This is an important economic fact. And where do these small and medium businesses go to recruit their workers? Many cannot afford to search too far beyond their local communities, so they seek homegrown local folk.  This was as true in 1991 as it is today. Companies hire locally and are having trouble finding the needed skills sets to enable them to compete. This is where our K-12 systems really can help out…. if they would only drop the college-for-all messaging AND not throw technology at learning as if it were a panacea for the drop out rate. But that’s another digression…. 

Yesterday I took about 20 of our pre-engineering students to a STEM Fest event hosted at a local high tech manufacturing company. As the students worked on a problem solving activity with engineers and technicians from the company I had a chat with the president and owner of the company and its HR director. They affirmed my 20 year old perception: they could not find enough local folks with the requisite skills–skills that do not require a college degree but the ability to problem solve and communicate with others. They can teach them the math and science required for their manufacturing process. Labels like “Algebra II” don’t have much meaning on the production lines. Instead, the ability to read process control documentation, manipulate data arithmetically and interpret charts and communicate the variances so the proper process controls can be implemented. This perception was further reinforced later yesterday evening when I attended a panel presentation on the state’s new STEM LIT initiative.


Yesterday’s discussions with the business owner and later the STEM LIT panel clarified for me an important issue: we tend to speak of STEM as if the needs of the economy are for only the highly skilled in science and math, HARD SKILLS (those based on facts and can be proven). Instead, what I heard and what I have experienced is that the SOFT SKILLS (those based on judgement and open to interpretation) like having a good work ethic, thinking critically, problem solving in a logical manner, oral and written communication, reading and writing are often the more highly valued. If one has the SOFT SKILLS  we can teach you the HARD SKILLS  needed in our business.

I can teach you anything but I can’t teach you to be curious

And, yikes! I also hate it when I hear educators get all excited about putting an iPad in every student’s hands! It’s kind of the same thing: if they don’t know how to use the technology to solve dynamic problems, then what have we really accomplished?


The STEM Gender Gap

The STEM Gender Gap

A Science Friday audio report containing interviews with researchers and students that underscore the crucial role played by female STEM role models for young girls and women AND reframing the perception of engineering as a helping profession.

Worth a listen (22 minutes)


Making The Grade Online

Making the grade online

My anecdotal research (see below) affirms my belief that there a different skill set required for optimal success in the “blended” classroom of today. I think we can be giving our students a leg up on the competition by developing our own (educator) skills in this new world.
I found this other article to be pretty informative about this trend a towards a new learning environment and skills:
  • Clark College is now using Canvas and Edmodo as I learned from a couple of our Running Start students.
  • And some of our recent alumni have also shared their online classroom experiences with me because I started introducing online learning skills in my classes when I started teaching high school eight years ago.
  • My son who taught at WSU-Pullman last year (now at Cal State) also taught online courses.

First Gears Found in Nature

Living Gears Help This Bug Jump

Living Gears Help This Bug Jump

Here’s a fascinating story: I never imagined to wonder whether or not “gears” were part of the natural order of things; here is some persuasive evidence of the use of gears by insects to perform amazing work.

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Engineers and Designers

Engineers and Designers

Does being an engineer mean you can’t be a creative designer? Does being a “creative” mean you can’t also think and speak like an engineer? The lines are blurring between engineering and design. This article provides an interesting viewpoint on the subject.

For further information on design engineering as a discipline/college major, check out this update from Business Week informs me that there are over 100 design schools in China!  I find this somewhat disconcerting because when I worked in China 17 years ago the things their engineers wanted to know most was how to become more creative–their educational system produced (s) tens of thousands of engineers according to a very regimented curriculum. It seems now that the Chinese universities have found a way to address this gap!

Engineering Design and Inspiration

Here are links to two engineering design firms.

  • The first-IDEO/Palo Alto– –is perhaps best known due to CBS “60 Minutes” coverage of their work. Here’s a link to a video interview and 2012 update to the original 1999 show done by the producers at CBS 60 Minutes.
  • The second–Beyond Design/Chicago I recommend you look at their design process and the cool stuff they do with kids Dig8

Check out the cool student desk IDEO designed! Wish we had them here at Skyview!
